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In this page you will find information on how to contribute to this package.

Development environment

This package is developed using primarily vscode. You can find configuration files such as recommended extensions and settings in the .vscode folder.

The package manager (dependencies/packaging) used for development is poetry. To install poetry, please refer to their installation docs.

With poetry you can install the project with the following command. This will create a virtual environment for the project, and install the package in the new environment, along with the necessary dependencies.

poetry install

With the project installed, you can open a shell within the virtual environment with the following command:

poetry shell

Development workflow

You can run tasks such as tests, formatting, etc. with poethepoet. To see the available tasks, run the following command:

poe --help


The poe command only exists within the virtual environment. This means you need to either enter the virtual environment shell, or run the following command:

poetry run poe test  # poetry run poe task-name

Check out poetry run docs.

The most important tasks are test and lint-fmt. The first one runs the test suite, and the second one will lint and format the code, and also format the pyproject.toml file.

To run the test suite, use the following command:

poe test

To lint and format the code, use the following command:

poe format